Therapy can be very beneficial. However, it is important to be proactive. You need to advocate for yourself, show up for yourself, and put in the hard work.
One of the most difficult aspects of toxic relationships is the highs and the lows. The highs have you feeling as if you are on cloud nine, but you will be slowly let down every single time until you hit the low lows. It will be confusing, and you tend to feel bad about yourself. Remember, it is not you. You are enough, and you are being manipulated. Breathe, hold your truth close to you, and remember your worth.
Mental health is just as important as physical health: It seems so obvious that we all have mental health as well as physical health. However, I only viewed mental health in terms of mental health problems. But when I changed my perspective, I realized that I needed to take extra special care of my mental health. It is a vital aspect of whole health, and it helped me to prioritize it.