Therapy is what you make of it
Therapy can be very beneficial. However, it is important to be proactive. You need to advocate for yourself, show up for yourself, and put in the hard work. The therapist is not there to do all the work for you. He or she is there to assist you in your own personal journey. Although there is teamwork, you ultimately have to do it for you. It is completely worth it! -
It is worth the time and the money
Therapy is definitely worth the time and money. Just like anything that is important to us, we need to make time for it. Yes, therapy can be expensive. But you can work with your therapist and/or organizations to figure out a plan. Also, see some of the ways you can cut expenses and put it towards therapy. Finance your mind and the rest will eventually fall into place 😊 -
It is important to find the right therapist for you
Just like with anything else, it is important to find the right fit. This will take some time. During this time, it is vital to listen to your gut and trust your instincts. But also remember that rapport takes some time as well. Communicate effectively with your therapist in relation to your goals. Be up front about how you ate feeling, and if you can’t come up with an agreement and/or it feels off, don’t be afraid to find another therapist. It is the ultimate form of self-care to advocate for yourself and so no to things that do not serve you. -
Communication is key
I know you have heard this before, and it is a bit cliché. But it is so true. For me, I would hold back on my feelings and on my communication. It really got in the way of my progress. It is a safe place, and the one place you can communicate without feeling scared of the repercussions. If it is a safe place, then take the chance and communicate. You will be scared, but it will help you to peel back the layers and begin to understand you and your behaviors more. This will lead to a happier and healthier mindset. -
Therapy is hard
Therapy is hard. Period. But it is always very rewarding and life changing. You will have sessions that help you free your mind. You will also have sessions that make you face your trauma and your fears. It is all part of the process. Don’t forget that, be gentle with yourself, and keep going! -
Therapy is a sign of strength and not weakness
Going to therapy takes so much strength. It shows that you want to feel better. It shows that you want to make improvements for your life, and that is amazing. You are facing your fears, placing your trust in a stranger, and learning to make changes and new habits. That is strength. Don’t let yourself or anybody make you think that it is anything else. You are amazing! -
Therapy is a safe and confidential place
It is difficult to tell a complete stranger your deepest and sometimes darkest feelings. I had a lot of trouble with trust in the beginning. I was afraid that all of my personal business would be exposed as well as judged. But as time went on, I truly felt a sense of safety that I never felt before. Little by little I shared and realized that this is a confidential and sacred place. With that being said, there are some things that if said, may be shared. But this is truly for your benefit. -
Therapy is there to help you, not to fix you
I said this before, and I will say it again. Therapy is there to help you, not fix you. When I first went to therapy, I wanted to be fixed. I wanted all the answers, a solution, and that’s that. Sort of like what happens when you go to the doctor. But that is not how therapy works. The therapist is there to guide you and help you to work through things. And remember, you don’t need to be fixed. We are all imperfectly perfect, and we all need a little help. Be proud of yourself for wanting to give yourself the best chance at a healthy and happy life 😊 -
Therapy is not for everyone
This may be controversial, but therapy is not for everyone. I do believe that therapy is useful, and you should do the research on the different types of therapy. However, for some people, other forms of “therapeutic interventions” may work better. This is where you need to look within yourself, put some trust in yourself, and figure out what works best for you! -
You will learn so much about yourself
This is one of my favorite parts of therapy. For a very long time, I didn’t know who I was. I knew who people wanted to be. I knew the girl who put up her wall and was run by fear. But I never knew what was under everything. Through therapy, I learned a lot about me. And guess what? I really liked that girl. I spent so long hating myself that I didn’t think that I would ever really like, accept, and dare I say love myself. Give yourself a chance. I think you might really like the person that you will begin to see 😊
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