I've come to realize that I never really learned how to deal with my emotions; they were bothersome to most. They usually didn't fit with the day's agenda so that just meant they got tucked away inside; I was an emotional hoarder. In time, each emotion started rearing its ugly head. But it was usually chalked up to hormones or some trendy 'crisis.' The reality is that I didn't know how to regulate my emotions. It wasn't until I realized that adult temper tantrums & volatile relationships weren't the norm, that I realized I had a lot of work to do. I still struggle w/ my emotions. How much is too much? Am I expressing myself enough? Is this in the normal range of emotions, & what is really normal? I'll keep learning, practicing, succeeding & failing, & starting all over again. That's the beautifully messy part of the growth journey.
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