Sneak Peak- “You are way more than other peoples’ expectations of you.” -Lady B Collective

Growing up, I had so many expectations put on me. My parents, friends, teachers, extended family, coaches, and society. I didn’t realize the extent of these expectations as well as my natural instinct to want to make people happy. That was very important to me as a little girl. Seeing my parents and everyone else smile and say nice things about me motivated me to try even harder. They were well-intended, but the reality is that they were just passing down the same expectations, and even more so, than they had. I can remember my dad saying he wanted more for us. Of course, this was said with love; with wanting myself and my brother to grow up and be happy and successful. I mean most parents want that for their children. That’s a beautiful thing. However, as we get older, the expectations increase and intersect with our own journey of self-exploration. This can be tricky to say the least.

I have always been one for exploring, but never one for self-exploring. The concept made me feel uncomfortable. Unbeknownst to me and little did I know, this was going to play a huge role in my life. However, for now, I was on the road to societal success. The man, the children, the corporate job, were all on my vision board. I had a timeline, and I was set. Let’s do this. I mean, how difficult could this be? Follow and execute the plan. Yes, I really did believe this would happen without any major hiccups. So, again let’s get started.


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