5 Ways to Get Through the Tough Days
Aug 13, 2018

5 Ways to Get Through the Tough Days

1. Cleanse Yourself.

So, this can be taken in a few different ways. If I am having a tough day, I love to sit in the shower and have the warm water run over me. For one, it makes me feel refreshed. Two, it’s symbolic of washing away the negativity, the fear, and much more. I can feel the water running down my back, and I just sit still and listen to it. I take a few deep breaths and try to relax.

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5 Simple Ways to Get Inspired
Aug 02, 2018

5 Simple Ways to Get Inspired

1. Look Around

You would be surprised how much inspiration is right in front of you, right outside. I will admit there are a lot of days I don’t feel very “inspired.” I don’t know why, but inspiration comes with a heavy burden and expectations sometimes. I feel guilty if I don’t feel inspired. I am always waiting for this huge thing to happen or story to break.

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5 Reasons Advocating for Yourself is Important
Jul 24, 2018

5 Reasons Advocating for Yourself is Important

This may seem cliché because it is, but it is definitely true. We live in a world where we are being pulled in many directions. We are being fed all sorts of propaganda that allows for us to make a lot of decisions. We are told, controlled, and given the opinions by our closest family and friends as well as well as from strangers. To be honest, it becomes so overwhelming. We know that we are supposed to do what’s best for us, but it’s difficult when there are so many options and “experts” out there. But the only real expert is YOU.
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10 Things to Help You Get Out of a Rut
Jul 20, 2018

10 Things to Help You Get Out of a Rut

We all have been in a rut. To be honest, we probably go through many different little ruts throughout our lives. They are not fun, but they are a part of life. Even when it is pointed out to us or we know that we are in one, I find that we or, I at least, don’t fully acknowledge it.
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6 Things to Remember on your Self-Love Journey
Jul 09, 2018

6 Things to Remember on your Self-Love Journey

It Takes Time. When I first started on my self love and acceptance journey, I thought that I would spend more time focusing on myself, be mindful of what I said to myself, and that I would start to really love myself. Well, that was a great start, but to be honest, I didn’t feel any better.
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I Have The Right to….
Apr 04, 2018

I Have The Right to….

About ten years ago, I attended a domestic violence/sexual assault workshop. It was a few days a week for an entire month. This was mandatory for all employees and volunteers. We had endless amounts of materials and speakers. To be honest, I just went through the motions as I knew a lot of the material. That was until one day we were handed a paper that really opened my eyes.
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5 Things I Learned from Living with Mental Illness
Mar 27, 2018

5 Things I Learned from Living with Mental Illness

Finding out that you have a mental illness is life-altering. It can bring about all kinds of mixed emotions that can leave you feeling devastated and hopeless. But I am here to tell you that you are not defined by your mental illness. You can live a life filled with peace and happiness. I am going to share with you guys some of the things that I learned from living with mental illness in hopes that I can help you navigate through your mental health journey.
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